Many people are having this virus problem. This virus spreads via USB drives and converts all the files and folders into shortcuts. But real files are still there, just hidden.

This Problem is also referred to as 
.LNK and .PIF file shortcuts vulnerability in Windows Shell

Fix this problem in simple steps.

View hidden files
1.     Goto Folder Options
2.     Then  “View” tab

3.     Check show hidden files and folder.
4.     Clear the following check boxes:
      “Hide protected operating system files (Recommended)”
      “Hide extensions for known file types”
5.     Click apply the changes

Remove virus
If your antivirus does not detect it you can do manually.

1.      (Ctrl+Alt+Del) and ‘End’ Process ‘wscript.exe’ that is currently running.
2.     Click on Start>RUN
3.     Type REGEDIT then Enter to open registry editor.
4.     Click on HKEY_CURRENT_USER\
5.     >Software\
6.     >Microsoft\
7.     >Windows\
8.     >CurrentVersion\
9.     >Run.
10.            On right find any file or description that ends with  .vbs or .vbe and note of were that file is located
11.            Minimize it
12.            Go to that location and delete the *.vbs or *.vbe file.
13.            Go back to REGEDIT and delete the key referencing that .vbs  file

·        To confirm if this file is not present anywhere, search for *.vbe in my computer and delete if any

Delete the shortcuts and other unrecognized files on removable drive

Remove hidden attribute from files on USB Drive
Go to command prompt in accessories
Type L:
Then enter
(Where “L” is your drive letter)
Then type
attrib -s -h /s /d *.*

Problem Solved

desktop, hidden files, hidden folder, link or pif file shortcuts, removal tool, Shortcut virus, shortcuts, virus converting files into shortcuts, virus usb, 


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